Sunday 23 February 2014

Rare Steampunk Goggles and Jam a Gram glitch

Hey Jammers!
As you all know, today is Monday, the worst day of the week.
I woke up with a bad hair day, and didn't want to go to school. Oh boring class.
But, we have animal jam, and today the ajhq has made a new way to cheer us all up on our worst day, by giving rare item monday.
and todays rare item is the rare steampunk goggles. I honestly have never seen anyone wearing steam punk goggles on animal jam, probably cos none of us are pretending to be evil scientists.
but anyway, its a rare, so you should buy it while its for sale. its sold in Jam Mart Clothing, but is for members only.
Also, I found out about this cool glitch for Jam a grams.
are you annoyed that you cant say one two three or trade or other words like that in jam a grams?
well, use this cool glitch to make you say those words, and also make faces e.g. :)
so, you need to type the word for example trade in the jam a gram.
so when the word is all red, you need to click both "alt" keys on your keyboard at the same time, and then let go of one, and click backspace until it is in black and usual.
That's how you do it, so no need to get annoyed, I managed to write fe;wihdfebdwuegd on a jam a gram with that.

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